C4T assigned week 1:
Here is a link to Dr. Fryer's blog.
I spent lots of time perusing Dr. Fryer's page. I feel like Dr. Strange paired me up with the perfect person to follow. Already in one evening I am thinking differently about how technology could look in my 1st grade classroom. This is really exciting! I am really optimistic that through following his posts (He's on Twitter too) that I will learn and incorporate a lot of technology into my routine at school.
Of course I introduced myself and included links to EDM510 and to my personal blog in my initial post. I also commented on his topic of the post which was visual note taking. How neat! I've seen short clips done through this style, and I've been so engaged during them, never once thinking that this could be a technique that I introduce and use with my students to help them record information and tell stories, etc. How exciting! He has lots of links on his posts, so I look forward to going back and exploring them further.
The question I asked in my response was, "If you could introduce me to one new way/method of incorporating technology that I could take and implement in my classroom tomorrow, what would it be and why?" I'm excited to see what he responds back with! :)
February 15, 2014, week 2
In Dr. Fryer's last post, he introduced some professional development opportunities that are coming up soon. They will be presented via video-conferencing for the next 7 weeks on Thursday evenings. The topics covered will be: Quick Edit Videos, E-books, and Simulations or Games. It is a new course, a part 2 to a previous course covering other technology based learning tools.
I asked if this was something that could be taken without having taken the part 1 course before. I also asked if these were tools that he could see being fruitfully used in a 1st grade classroom where the student teacher ratio is 20+ to 1, or were these tools more appropriate for older students (3rd grade and higher). I'm curious to hear his thoughts.
Week 3, February 22, 2014:
Dr. Fryer was not only commending the last'EDCampOKC' he recently attended in his last post, but he was also talking about Twitter and ways to use it well. He said that while he normally blogs about such meetings and conferences, he finds it useful to tweet during them, linking good information and thoughts as they are being shared. He has formed tweet groups, and they will meet at scheduled times and chat, etc. It sounds like Twitter being used for educational purposes with a strong PLN aspect to it. He also cautioned about the good tweet links/info being lost due to so many at one time. He has a solution though: 'Storify' such sessions, so that you save this information and don't lose it, but can go back and check it out later again. The question I asked was did he have a good suggestion for a brief tutorial on "storify" or how to create "tweet nests?"
Dr. Fryer responded back already! Here is what he shared with me for "Storify" , and here is a link for his response to creating a "twitter nest." How cool to get such a great, thorough response. Whoop-whoop! :)
February 28, 2014
This week Dr. Fryer posted his slide show that he is using at a Missouri technology workshop. I took the time to go through all 79 slides, and even though I didn't attend the conference or hear his talk that went with the images, I was still able to gather from the images about what he discussed. It went along with the theme of his recent book, which gives practical ways to bring technology into the classroom. I found one thing he wrote to be quite powerful. He said, "Digital Literacy today means much more than surfing the internet and using Microsoft Office." This is a big way that I try to incorporate technology into my first grade room, so now the challenge has been made. Do more, because that's not enough to prepare your students to be digitally literate anymore.
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