April 11, 2014
Deb points out this week ways that we can build each other up as educators, and how through technology, students can also participate in this connectedness. Through blogging, even if the teacher is away from school sick, the students can still keep in touch with her. I am very nearly leaving my school for my maternity leave. In fact, I may have had my baby when they come back to school after spring break. This post makes me think of that for me and my students. How exciting to be able to share the baby's picture with them, and encourage them to continue to focus and learn lots, even while I am away. :)
Here is her post and my response.
Deb Frazier has shared her new math center routines with us and I'm grateful for it. As a first grade teacher, I've got reading centers down. I need to work on math centers, so that I have that 1:1 or small group time covering math concepts with my students for better impact as well. Her suggestions are great. She also linked some other helpful blogs with hers this week, so there is even more to research. This is good food for thought for this year and when planning for next. I'm glad she's part of my PLN.
Here is her post and my response.
Deb Frazier has a great post about the power of quiet think time. It was a nice thing for me to reflect on as well. She said that one of her daughters helped her to recognize that there is power in time spent reflecting alone as well as partner or group work. So, Deb built a few stations in the room for centers that are individualized, and was surprised to see them fill up first. There is power in the individual time, time spent reflecting and not pressured to conform and work with the group as well, I suppose. It is interesting to think about for how I do my work with my first graders as well.
Here is her post and my response to it.
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